Common Difficulties



Depression is by far the most common way that our difficulties manifest. While it’s very normal to experience periods of sadness in life, depression is much more severe, debilitating. and prolonged. When someone is depressed they may feel intensely low, apathetic…


OCD & Obsessions

OCD is a condition where a person experiences intrusive and disturbing thoughts or images that cause them to feel anxious, disgusted or uneasy. To quell this anxiety a person with OCD engages in compulsive behaviours, rituals or 'thought checking' which provides short-term relief…


Relationship Struggles

We are raised to believe in the fairytale version of romantic relationships. While we seek love and connection in our relationships with others, we eventually realise that we are all very real people with real problems and that our issues almost always manifest in our relationships…


Sex & Intimacy Issues

So few of us talk about our struggles around sex and intimacy but this topic remains to be one of the most common of which comes up in our relationships. Most of us remain closeted around our difficulties with sex, convinced that we alone suffer but this is actually not the case…


Grief & Bereavement

Loss is one of the most difficult experiences for human beings to endure. Most of us harbour intense feelings of fear around the possible or eventual deaths of our loved ones. Once we have lost someone we are often times met with a profound sense of pain that feels unbearable…

Anxiety & Panic

Anxiety is a general term used to describe an emotional and physiological experience that can range from general nervousness to intense worry to debilitating panic attacks. There are many different kinds of anxieties and the type you experience depends on what triggers…


Stress & Burnout

Most of us are used to hearing about the negative effects of stress but still very few of us really take it seriously. We can be quite good at acknowledging when others need to slow down, take a break or say no but many of us really fail to read the signs when we need to hit the breaks and rest…



Addiction is about medicating emotional pain and numbing the discomfort in our bodies & minds. We know that three fourths of those who do struggle with addiction have also endured significant traumatic events in their lives. These experiences leave scars that don’t just vanish…


Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are on the rise for both men & women along with society's increased focus on body image. There are several types of eating disorders, the most common of which are bulimia, anorexia or a combination of both. The type if eating disorder a person has depends…


Chronic Illness

We now know that the mind & body are intimately connected - the mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. There are many chronic medical conditions which are related to our psychological wellbeing and stress levels. As such, any who suffer…

PTSD & Trauma

PTSD is not only far more common than most people realise but is also frequently misdiagnosed. A person can become traumatised after enduring one or many events that either cause or threaten to cause physical injury, emotional terror or death. It can look a like like depression, anxiety…


Low Self-Confidence

Low self-confidence is far more common than most of us know and, perhaps more importantly, it plays an intimate role in our most common psychological struggles including depression, anxiety and panic. When we suffer from low self-esteem we have developed beliefs about…


Anger Problems

Anger is the armour that we use to protect ourselves when we feel threatened by a given person or situation. In evolutionary terms it exists to help us to survive. Outside of survival, however, anger is an attempt to cope with perceived threats to our confidence, character…



When we experience stress in life our sleep is one of the very first things to be affected. For this reason, difficulty sleeping is also a common symptom in depression and anxiety. Often times, we find it hard to fall or stay asleep because our minds take over and we can’t stop thinking….


Death & Dying

Western culture largely turns a blind eye to death and the dying process. Wanting to explore death is not about being grim or fatalistic, it is a crucial part of understanding our lives, our fears and our pain. Perhaps more importantly, it is a part of connecting with our deeper purpose…

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Phone. 020 8145 9453