OCD & Obsessions
Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is a condition where a person experiences intrusive and disturbing thoughts or images that cause them to feel anxious, disgusted or uneasy. Common obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms include checking behaviours and counting. There is a strong link between OCD and anxiety. To quell the anxiety brought on by these thoughts, a person with OCD engages in compulsive behaviours, rituals or 'thought checking' which provides short-term relief but ultimately makes matters worse. Often times, the thing that a person obsesses about is a subject matter that is deeply disturbing to them personally and also condemned or feared by their larger culture.
OCD has become quite a popular term in recent years that many people use to describe a personality that is orderly, clean and organised but this is inaccurate. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a very disruptive and distressing condition that interrupts a person's daily functioning and peace of mind. A specific type of CBT called Exposure & Response Prevention has been shown to be very effective therapy for the treatment of OCD.
Signs of Obsessive Compulsivity
Common Obsessions
Fear of contamination from germs, viruses, body fluids, foods etc.
Worries about harm occurring from break ins, kidnapping, contamination etc.
Obsessions with the body or physical symptoms
Religious, sacrilegious or blasphemous thoughts
Sexual thoughts or images such as incest or paedophilia
Thoughts or images of violence such as stabbing or harming someone
Urge to hoard useless or worn out possessions
Excessive concern with exactness, order, symmetry etc.
Obsessive questions around gender or sexuality
Common Compulsions
Checking behaviours (e.g., checking the oven, plugs, locks, kettle, etc.)
Repeating acts (e.g., hand washing, touching wood, crossing
Mental rituals (e.g., repeating special words, lucky phrases, prayers)
Ordering or arranging acts (e.g., before leaving the house)
Hoarding or collecting
Please contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation about your symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Email. admin@harrisonpsychologygroup.com
Phone. 07944 112333