CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy London

Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)

What is CAT Therapy and How Can It Help You?

CAT therapy is an integrative approach that combines elements of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy. The therapy is based on the idea that our childhood experiences and relationships shape our sense of self and our ways of relating to others. CAT therapy seeks to uncover the underlying relational causes of psychological distress, rather than treating symptoms in isolation.

The therapy is typically offered as a fixed-term treatment, lasting approximately four to six months, with follow-up sessions offered to review changes over a longer period. Your therapist will use practical techniques like visual mapping and therapeutic letter writing to help you actively work towards change. CAT therapy is a collaborative approach, with an emphasis on the therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist as an important factor in the healing process.


The Socially Constructed Self in CAT Therapy

Woman looking in the mirror in nature illustrating the topic of the socially constructed self in CAT therapy / cognitive analytic therapy

According to CAT therapy, the self is fundamentally social and develops through social experiences. Even before birth, we are interacting with others and are being influenced by their ideas and behaviour towards us. Our social experiences include early caregiver experiences but also experiences with peers, siblings, and broader society. These experiences influence not only how we relate to others but also how we treat ourselves. The roles we take on in relationships can underlie a range of psychological difficulties as well as healthy ways of being.


Understanding The Relational Causes of Distress

CAT therapy views mental health symptoms as having underlying relational causes, even if these are not immediately apparent. Some relational causes of distress are clear, such as abuse, while others may be subtler harms, such as emotional neglect, social pressures, or minority stress, which can be uncovered in therapy. By making sense of these experiences and changing the way we relate through self-work and a compassionate therapeutic relationship, CAT therapy carries great potential for healing.

CAT therapy is a “depth” therapy that looks at underlying causes of distress rather than treating symptoms in isolation. By raising awareness of repeating patterns that clients may be stuck in, CAT therapy helps them to find and recognize exits. It combines elements of psychodynamic therapy and CBT, raising awareness of unconscious processes and past influences while using a more collaborative stance and practical techniques. CAT therapy is a flexible approach that can integrate tools and techniques from other therapies.


The Collaborative and Empowering Nature of CAT Therapy

The collaborative nature of CAT therapy makes it particularly effective in treating depression, PTSD, and a wide range of other mental health conditions. CAT therapy empowers clients as the ultimate agents of change in their own lives, while the therapist provides guidance and support throughout the therapy. The therapy can help clients develop self-understanding while actively working towards change. It is a medium-term therapy that is well-suited for those who would like to develop self-understanding and make positive changes in their lives.


Why Should You Consider CAT Therapy?

If you're struggling with psychological distress, Cognitive Analytic Therapy may be a helpful approach for you. CAT therapy seeks to uncover underlying relational causes of distress and provides practical techniques to help you actively work towards change. By understanding how your past experiences and relationships have impacted your current ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving, you can make positive changes in your life. Your therapist will provide a safe and supportive environment to explore these issues and empower you to take control of your mental health. To learn more about CAT therapy or discuss it at a consultation, please get in touch using our contact form →

cbt therapy London
Just as the body is formed initially in the mother’s womb, a person’s consciousness awakens wrapped in another’s consciousness
— Mikhail Bakhtin

Please contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation for CAT Therapy

Phone. 020 8145 9453
Email. admin@harrisonpsychologygroup.com