Signs of Depression

Low mood and Depression

Mood difficulties are commonly the first indicators that we are struggling to cope with life’s difficulties. While it’s very normal to experience periods of sadness in life, the signs of depression are much more severe, debilitating. and prolonged. When someone is depressed they may feel intensely low, apathetic or irritable to the point where they withdraw socially from the world and no longer seem to care about things that were previously important to them. It’s not uncommon to experience changes in sleep, appetite, and desire, or to have problems with memory and attention. In severe cases, people can feel suicidal, or may feel unable to take any more suffering.

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors. Some people struggle with intensely self-critical beliefs which gradually break down their self-esteem and mood over time. Others have endured so much stress or change in such a short period of time that they have lost the belief that life could possibly be enjoyable or worthwhile.

We take a trauma-informed view of depression to help you to make sense of your experiences, bringing together an understanding of how adverse life experiences and unmet core needs can lead to difficulties in regulating mood. Through this foundational understanding we will empower you to make change towards a more meaningful, engaged life.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Common Signs of Depression

What does depression feel like? The key signs of depression are:

  • Persistent low mood or sadness

  • Lacking motivation or interest in things

  • Social withdrawal and isolation

  • Tearfulness

  • Feelings of low self-esteem

  • Feeling irritable or intolerant of other people

  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping excessively

  • Significant increase or decrease in your appetite

  • Difficulty focussing attention or remembering

  • Unexplained aches & pains

  • Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself, one of the more dangerous signs of depression

Please contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Phone. 020 8145 9453