Polyamoury & Open Relationships

Stepping outside of the tradition of monogamy, more people are now seeking alternative ways to engage in their romantic relationships. Consensual non-monogamy comes in many different shapes and forms and the one that suits you will depend on your own interpersonal, romantic & intimate needs. It may take some time to explore and identify what works for you and your partner(s) and good communication is key.

The traditional psychoanalytic view of non-monogamous relationships tends to be critical, assuming that there must be something wrong in order to to cause a person to want more than one partner. The unfortunate result is that many modern day psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and counsellors continue to misunderstand and pathologise polyamourous and open relationships. This can be unhelpful and even damaging to clients who engage in alternative relationships.

As a clinical practice, it is our core value to provide fully informed and affirmative clinical care to people who are in poly or open relationships. Our therapists maintain specialised expertise in working supportively with this community. We celebrate consensual non-monogamy and are committed to helping our clients work through their issues, whether they relate to their relationships or not.



Common Struggles in Poly & Open Relationships

  • Establishing good communication

  • Establishing healthy boundaries

  • Managing power dynamics

  • Coming out to others

  • Working through jealousy

  • Meeting your partners needs

  • Having your own needs met

  • Relationship burnout & alone time

  • Confidence & ‘comparisons’

Please contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Email. admin@harrisonpsychologygroup.com
Phone. 020 8145 9453